With the easy tool below, now you can hang your artwork like a pro! Use the calculator below to find out the exact height you should place the nail, screw, or other hanging apparatus to hang artwork like the experts do every time. Note: This calculator is programmed in inches and works best if you are hanging one artwork at a time rather than a gallery wall. Here's how it works First, measure the total height of your artwork in inches. Make sure to include the frame if the piece has one! Decide on what you want the center point to be (a good range to keep in mind is 58-62 inches). Average eye level is 60 inches so that's...

PxP Contemporary and NoName Gallery present “Believing In Tomorrow”
PxP Contemporary and NoName Gallery are pleased to present “Believing In Tomorrow”, a group exhibition featuring the work of 12 local, regional, and international artists.

How To Build An Art Collection
Building an art collection is an exciting endeavor that allows you to express your personality and creativity in your personal space. While collecting art can feel intimidating at first, with the proper resources and strategies, it will become both fun and rewarding. In this article, we will discuss practical tips for building an art collection that reflects your taste, budget, and vision.
Art Collecting Tips

Recent interview with Bold Journey!
This feature dives into my background, advice to navigate being 'the only one like you in the room', and the skills I think are the most valuable to have as an entrepreneur.
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