In this interview, you'll meet Samantha Wood, another exhibiting artist in our current show "Take Flight"! Learn about her background and the inspiration behind her work.

Meet The Artist: 5 Questions with Claire Crawford
We're pleased to bring you an exclusive interview with artist Claire Crawford, a participating artist in our show "Take Flight". Tell us about you! How long have you been an artist and what is your focus? I'm an artist and illustrator currently living on Vancouver Island, in Canada. I am really interested in how humans interact with the natural world, and how we can bridge the gap between the two. I've been an artist since I was young and have always felt compelled to create art in some form or another, which has always granted me the clarity to pursue art as a profession. Art is deeply intertwined with who I am as a person, and this path, while a...
Artist Interviews

Alicia Interviewed on The Truth In This Art Podcast
Host Rob Lee interviewed Alicia to discuss her work and community building with artists.

Guest Post on Artwork Archive: 6 Things to Stop Saying in Your Artist Statement
Alicia penned an art career advice article for the Artwork Archive blog.
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